

Maybe I'm weird for doing this. Anybody I've ever talked to about this has given me a funny look and told me that I think too much. Yes, yes, I am aware of that. However, I think it is a God-given gift/curse, and I will continue to be that way. Get over it.

I put my friends into categories. I don't realize it while it is happening. Keep in mind this is all subconscious. “Categories” is really a bad way to describe it. It is really more like a continuum with different zones, which include but are not limited to the following:

These are people that I recognize and know. I would say hi to them if I saw them around and maybe even have a brief conversation. Maybe I have their phone number. Maybe I've even called them before. Twice. I've got tons of people like this in my life.


These are people I like and enjoy. The distinguishing factor here is that we hang out. Maybe not regularly, but it would not be weird to call them up to make plans. I know what they are involved in, things they enjoy, where they live, what they drive. If they ask me for a favor, I'll do what I can to help. There are a lot of people like this in my life.

Good Friends
Ah, we're getting to the good part. Good friends are people that I would trust with my heart. This is where things get personal and attachment happens. These are people I take my junk to and people whose junk I'd love to help carry. I'd answer a phone call from them at 3 something am. I would do crazy things that make me uncomfortable, tired, hungry, or poor for them and not mind in the slightest. I pray for them regularly. There's only a few people like this. I can think of 4 or 5 with a couple more stuck somewhere between friends and good friends.

Best Friends
I don't really know what this looks like, but I think I'm beginning to get an idea. I have this feeling like there's a level (or zone, to reuse the same word) beyond good friends but before the mystery zones which I know nothing about. Best friends know each other so well they can predict the other's behavior fairly accurately a good chunk of the time. Sometimes they can even tell you why. Their emotions affect one another. They work to fill wants and needs, achieve hopes, and avoid fears [but face them when they come]. I think that this zone takes a lot of effort to maintain. Like I said, I don't really know. This is still pretty foggy.

All my friends fall somewhere in here and are subject to movement. Sometimes people are between two zones and it is hard to tell. Usually that is because I either haven't decided to trust them enough to graduate them to the next zone or because there hasn't been enough testing on the relationship to warrant a promotion. When this arrangement is most evident to me in my own mind is when somebody asks me how I'm doing. My head quickly evaluates what I'm willing to say based on what kind of friend they are.

Call me crazy, but this is just what I seem to do.

So lately...
It seems like I've been considering one of my friendships a lot the past couple days. Sadly, it hasn't been as good as I would have hoped. For a long time, I had hoped this person was a "safe person" as described in a previous post. Safe people make for great good friends.

I gave her opportunities. For example, one night last semester I told her I needed to work through some things so I was going for a drive. I asked if she wanted to come. She knows I don't normally make such an offer because she knows I tend to be an emotion stuffer. She said no, she needed to study (aside: I do not, in general, take well to studying coming before people. I don't let school come before my friends and like to think that they would do the same for me... but apparently not). Then she said, "But it would be good for you to talk about it with somebody... Well, I guess that's why you asked, huh? But I need to study. See you later though, OK?" Obviously, she was aware of what I was asking. There are some other similar examples. Toward the end of last semester I started figuring out that our friendship was pretty one-sided. Anything we did together was something I initiated. She was (and still is) too wrapped up in chasing a different friendship to put much effort into ours. Given my fear of one-sided relationships, I stopped pursuing it. Then, we stopped hanging out, which further supports my suspicions that it was one-sided.

It's just kind of a bummer, you know? I had hoped for a good friend, but it has become clear to me that she is happy as a clam in the friend zone. I mean, that's fine. That's a choice she is free to make. The problem is how I've been responding to that. I'm resentful even to the point of rudeness. That's not ok, even if I am a little hurt.

So, pray for me, will you? Thanks.