
Colorado and Cookies

Colorado was just as wonderful as one might suspect. The Navs have a beautiful castle up there that I've wanted to see for a couple years now, and I finally got the chance. I got to see some dear friends from the past, make some new friends, as well as get to hang out with current ones- all while getting sound Biblical teaching and praising God for the stunning Rocky Mountains.

The van ride was quite the experience. I love road trips to begin with, and it was fun just observing our group. I feel like everybody fit into an archetype. We had the Child, the Jester, the Cavalier, the Theorist, the Plotter, the Optimist, and the Flirt. In the van, we played Bull & Klingon, sang Christmas carols to people over the phone, read, took naps, discussed video ideas for next semester and just got to hang out with some cool kids.

Sadly, it was bitterly cold in Colorado as thermometers were warming up if they registered anywhere above 0. Oy! Mostly I say that to sound tough. I hardly ever went outside during my stay there. As much as I may complain, keep in mind that I very much enjoyed it.

On the other hand, it is great to be back in Texas. Mom and I made an army of snickerdoodle cookies in preparation for Suzanne and Jake's arrival (but mostly for Jake's because he's the one that eats them by the dozen). Notice the missing ones off the tray. I had nothing to do with that. ;)



In less than 12 hours, a ceremony will begin that marks the end of one of my stages in life.

Not exactly because I will still be in school, but the point is that I feel like I don't deserve it. What kind of 20 year old has a diploma anyway?

I'm too young. I don't know anything. Theoretically, I could be entering the working world, but who would hire me? I don't have any real plans (much to the dismay of my mother), no way to make money or support myself, no experience... I'm just feeling so ill-equipped to be where I am.

Someone recently told me, "you don't want to be the person you're becoming." That was a blow. Definitely had a tearful drive after that one. As if personal identity isn't a big deal or something. Thankfully, my go-to gal is a gift from the Lord and immediately refuted all the terrible things that were said (and also responds to texts at 2:14 am as I am reflecting upon my life and thinking about graduation). But still, those things were said even if they aren't true. And what if maybe they are a little true?

I don't know. Who needs sleep on a night like this anyway? The moon is gorgeous tonight.



I don't really know how to deal with emotions, whether my own or other people's. Unfortunately, that was called upon twice today when two of my friends were upset about things. All I can think to do is react how I would want me to act if I was the one crying. Thus, I keep hugging them over and over and hope they magically feel better.

I, at least, always magically feel better from a good hug.


When I Go Driving

It would be great if gas wasn't so expensive. From an economic standpoint, I think its great that gas prices are rising because that means that eventually people won't buy it and finally better ways of getting around will crop up. However, as a consumer, it really is a pain in the neck.

Especially because driving is how I deal with life.

When I get frustrated, when I get angry, when I'm feeling down, when I get apathetic or depressed I go driving. Preferably fast. I like the access ramps where I can accelerate. In any case, there's just something about the privacy of being alone in my car mixed with the cathartic effect of velocity that makes me able to deal with things better in there.

This weekend I got frustrated, so I went driving tonight. I know it has a lot to do with my apathy that has been taking over lately. There's so many fake people saying and doing fake things around me that it makes me sick. The worst part is: I'm one of them. My relationship with God has been floundering for the past week or so. When it is that time of day that I usually read my Bible and spend time with Jesus, I've been making up excuses not to. Then I either make myself do it anyway or convince myself that if my heart isn't there that it isn't worth it. Recently I've been getting a bit worried about the future and not being able to leave it in God's hands. Which means that as I get further away from God, my friendships start affecting my mood a lot more (not good, I know). On the back burner of my mind, I already knew I had some stuff to deal with, and then on Friday a series of events made things worse.

In short, my friend and I had some plans. Through no fault of my own (or her own, or anybody's own really), it did not work out, and the point is that I ended up feeling like I let her down. Maybe that wouldn't be a big deal for a lot of people, but it is for me.

It all goes back to feeling as if I'm unworthy of being loved. I can count on one hand the number of people in my life that have ever made me feel honest-to-goodness genuinely loved. Obviously, that's not a good situation and has led to a lot of pain in my life as well as other issues (e.g. I have the hardest time trusting people). It is because of that pain that I have promised myself that the people around me that I'm close to won't have to feel that way. They won't have to be like me and wonder if there's even anybody that cares. I feel like if I can love people well enough that they feel safe (see previous post), then my own hurts won't matter anymore. Thus, I work to make sure my friends know that I love them, appreciate them, and would do anything for them [proviso: it is not illegal or sinful]. Falling short of this goal, like letting somebody down, makes me mad at myself. Then I feel like I have to work extra hard to regain lost approval from my mistakes.

Seriously though, what kind of friends would I have if that is how things worked between us? Mediocre ones. My friends are not mediocre. First off, my friend that I "let down" probably hasn't given a second thought to Friday night and more than likely has no clue that it sparked this inner turmoil in me. Secondly, even if she did feel shafted, she would know that it wasn't anybody's fault. Thirdly, she's wonderful and doesn't operate on friend karma, so it would be stupid to try to redeem myself.

In any case, the drive was good.



Last night as I was going to bed, I was thinking of what the concept of safety means to me. We are going with emotional safety, in particular, just to clarify. Maybe it is a little different than most people's idea, but whatever.

There are few people in my life that I consider "safe" people.

Allow me to explain. A "safe" person is somebody that I feel like it is alright to be real with. I can be angry and frustrated, at them or the world at large, and that they are going to be ok with that. I can be stupid and make lame jokes, and that's ok too. I can be silent, and nobody's missing the noise. Honestly, I think all anybody's really looking for is safe people because when you've got safe people, you can be fully known and feel good about it. I just put a name to it.

One of the hard things about finding safe people is wanting to be safe so badly that I convince myself that unsafe people are safe. By unsafe people, I'm not talking about creepers or perverts. I mean close friends that I think should be safe. Whenever I make myself vulnerable to them, bad things happen. It is damaging to our friendship for me to express emotions. Something is wrong with that, yet I still value the friendship too much to do anything about it.

So I just keep looking.

It is weird how sometimes you can meet someone and be safe immediately, and sometimes even after years of being friends there's some unsafe blockage.

Once you find a safe person or two, appreciate them. They are hard to come by. I'm 20 years old, and I've only got a few. I choose to be grateful for those few. It is much better than none.



Okay, so it has been a while... but it's not like anybody reads this anyway, so I don't think I'll be hearing any complaints. Something profound just happened so I figured I'd mention it.

At the bus stop today, I met a man from Chad. We talked about French, travel, economics... you know how it goes. Meet a stranger, tell your life story. In any case, here's a bit of our conversation:

JUSTICE: So have you ever been anywhere like Chad?
ALLISON: Sadly, no. I would really like to, but I've never been out of the United States.
JUSTICE: Why not?
ALLISON: I guess I've never really had the opportunity.
JUSTICE: You have to make your own opportunity, no?

Ain't it the truth? Whenever there's something you would really like to do, you have to make it happen. You can't wait for the chance to come around. Go! Move! Grab life by the horns (and saw 'em off)!

[Wow, I just made a Dodge and anti-t.u. statement at the same time.]

I thought it was an interesting statement. I hope I get to see him again.